For Boys and Girls 7-11 years old.
“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” – Nelson Mandela, Patron SCOUTS South Africa
Being a Cub is fun and exciting! You learn new things, make new friends, do good turns to help people and protect nature around you!
Play, sing and build things with friends, discover and explore new places, plants, animals, cultures and technologies, camp or have a sleepover.
Learning by doing.
We believe that if you learn it young, you remember it forever. Our programmes are largely based on fun, hands-on educational activities which teach many of the necessary life skills needed in the world today while taking the children outdoors and back to nature.
The Cub Trail is the programme for South African Cubs. It includes information on membership, on the awards and advancement schemes. on practical programme information and materials.
There are a variety of interest badges to earn, based on a wide variety of interests
Safety in Scouting: South Africa takes child protection very seriously. We all have a responsibility to keep our members safe from harm and all forms of abuse.

We all know the adventures described in the Jungle Book! The characters are a young boy and jungle animals that children can relate to and together they embark on exciting adventures whilst learning new skills. The adult leaders running the Cub Packs are called Pack Scouters with the person in charge being the Akela – as in the jungle book’s leader of the wolf pack.